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Nor can it be affirmed with perfect confidence, that all forms of protoplasm are liable to undergo that peculiar coagulation at a temperature of 40° 50° centigrade, which has been called "heat-stiffening," though Kühne's beautiful researches have proved this occurrence to take place in so many and such diverse living beings, that it is hardly rash to expect that the law holds good for all.

*Coagulation of the Blood.*—If the blood is exposed to some unnatural condition, such as occurs when it escapes from the blood vessels, it undergoes a peculiar change known as coagulation. In this change the corpuscles are collected into a solid mass, known as the clot, thereby separating from a liquid called the serum.

This so-called "nebular hypothesis" assumes that in the beginning all space was uniformly filled with cosmic matter in a state of nebular or "fire-mist" diffusion, "formless and void." It pictures the condensation coagulation, if you will of portions of this mass to form segregated masses, and the ultimate development out of these masses of the sidereal bodies that we see.

Inasmuch as obliteration of the sac and the feeding artery is out of the question, surgical treatment is confined to causing coagulation of the blood in an extension or pouching of the sac, which, making its way through the parietes of the chest, threatens to rupture externally. This may be achieved by Macewen's needles or by the introduction of wire into the sac.

In this Golden Magnet sticks and lies buried the resolution and opening of all Metals and Minerals, their domination, as also the first Matter of their generation, their power over health; and again, the coagulation and fixation of Metals, together with the operation of expelling all Diseases: Take notice of this Key, for it is Celestial, Sydereal and Elementary, out of which the terrestrial is generated, it is both Supernatural and Natural, and is generated Celestially of the Spirit of Mercury, Spiritually of the Spirit of Sulphur, and Corporally of the Spirit of Salt; this is all the way, the whole Essence, the beginning and end; for the Spirit and the Body are bound up together in one by the Soul, that they can never be separated, but produce a very perfect, durable Body, which nothing can hurt.

Needham's approach and goals are more dynamic than those of Browne, and he attempts to analyze various embryonic fluids by coagulation and distillation procedures.

This laminar coagulation by constant additions gradually fills the aneurysmal cavity and the pulsation in the sac then ceases; contraction of the sac and its contents gradually takes place and the aneurysm is cured.

The sap being obtained, the Indians, to prevent the separation of its peculiar resins, fumigate it over a fire of the nuts of the assai palm. By spreading out the sap on a wooden scoop, and shaking it in the smoke, its coagulation is almost immediately obtained; it assumes a grayish-yellow tinge and solidifies.

As the clot is attached to the sides of the vessel, the shrinkage is more pronounced toward the center, and thus the surface of the clot is hollowed or cupped, as it is called. This remarkable process is known as coagulation, or the clotting of blood; and the liquid which separates from the clot is called serum.

Lime in the blood and cells appears to be necessary in a number of ways. In the making of bone and teeth, in the coagulation of the blood, in the keeping of fluid within the blood vessels, and in maintaining the tone of the nerves, it plays a major rôle.