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Bats, or Cheiroptera, are particularly distinguished from all other creatures which suckle their young, by possessing the power of flight. A Lemur Galeopithecus, which exists in the Eastern part of the globe, takes long sweeps from tree to tree, and owes this faculty to the extension of its skin between its fore and hind limbs, including the tail; but it cannot be really said to fly.

However, what we do know of this Upper Eocene Fauna of Europe gives sufficient positive information to enable us to draw some tolerably safe inferences. It has yielded representatives of Insectivora, of Cheiroptera, of Rodentia, of Carnivora, of artiodactyle and perissodactyle Ungulata, and of opossum-like Marsupials.

The preoccupancy of the country by such indigenous tribes may have checked the development of the placental Rodents and Cheiroptera, even were we to concede the possibility of such forms being convertible by variation and progressive development into higher grades of mammalia.

Nor have I heard of any species in the Orders of Cheiroptera, Edentata, Insectivora and Rodents being polygamous, excepting that amongst the Rodents, the common rat, according to some rat-catchers, lives with several females. Dr. See Dr.

Lower Eocene Foetal: 6th month, that of a ruminant; Miocene Foetal: 7th month, that of a digitigrade animal; Miocene Miocene Pliocene Pliocene Scale: VERTEBRATA Mammalia: 57 Cheiroptera Rocks: 11. Pliocene Pliocene Foetal: 8th month, that of the quadrumana; Superficial deposits Foetal: 9th month, attains full human character;

Disuse, effects of, in producing rudimentary organs; and use of parts, effects of; of parts, influence of, on the races of men. Divorce, freedom of, among the Charruas. Dixon, E.S., on the pairing of different species of geese; on the courtship of peafowl. Dobrizhoffer, on the marriage-customs of the Abipones. Dobson, Dr., on the Cheiroptera; scent-glands of bats; frugivorous bats.

Among the twelve or fourteen species of Mammalia which are said to have been found in the Purbecks, not one is a member of the orders Cheiroptera, Rodentia, Ungulata, or Carnivora, which are so well represented in the Tertiaries. No Insectivora are certainly known, nor any opossum-like Marsupials.

It is always possible, therefore, that some types of Cheiroptera, originally derived from the main land, have survived in islands, although they have gradually died out on the continents from whence they came; so that it would be rash to infer that there has been time for the creation, whether by variation or other agency, of new species or genera in the islands in question.

II. CHEIROPTERA. Bats. The multitude of bats is one of the features of the evening landscape; they abound in every cave and subterranean passage, in the tunnels on the highways, in the galleries of the fortifications, in the roofs of the bungalows, and the ruins of every temple and building.

But the Cheiroptera are extreme modifications of the Insectivora, just as the Cetacea are extreme modifications of the Carnivorous type; and therefore it is to my mind incredible that monodelphous Insectivora and Carnivora should not have been abundantly developed, along with Ungulata, in the Mesozoic epoch.