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For introducing this resolution, the House voted to censure Mr. Chanler as having "attempted a gross insult to the House." Before the vote was taken, Mr.

Edward M. Childs, New York City; directors; Miss Mills, Syracuse; Mrs. Arthur L. Livermore, Yonkers; Mrs. Helen Probst Abbott, Rochester; Mrs. Dexter P. Rumsey, Buffalo; Mrs. George W. Topliff, Binghamton; Mrs. Luther Mott, Oswego; Mrs. Chanler Aldrich, Tarrytown. This convention had before it work of the gravest importance.

A number of volleys were sent at the Peoria with a view to disabling her gunners, but they were badly directed, and fell against her side and into the water. When the small boats reached the ship it was dark. Then the discovery was made that, besides Captain Nunez, whose body was left on the beach, there were missing, Chanler, Doctors Lund and Abbott, Lieutenant Agramonte, and two Cubans.

Meanwhile other important measures were enlisting the attention of Congress, and were proceeding, by the slow but steady steps of parliamentary progress, to their final consummation. Duty of Congress to legislate for the District of Columbia Suffrage Bill introduced into the House Speech by Mr. Wilson Mr. Boyer Mr. Schofield Mr. Kelley Mr. Rogers Mr. Farnsworth Mr. Davis Mr. Chanler Mr.

Trimble's Appeal Mr. Mckee an exceptional Kentuckian Mr. Grinnell on Kentucky the Example of Russia Mr. Phelps Mr. Shellabarger's Amendment Mr. Chanler Mr. Stevens' Amendments Mr. Eliot closes the Discussion Passage of the Bill Yeas and Nays.

In the course of a month the case came on for trial before Recorder Goff, in Part II of the General Sessions. Mrs. gave her testimony with great positiveness. Mr. Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler, now Lieutenant-Governor of the State, arose to cross-examine her. "Madam," he began courteously, "you say you gave the defendant money?"

Yet the gentleman gets up here to-day, after a record of that sort, to cast censure upon this people because they did not strike for their liberties against the combined armies of the republic and the armies of treason!" Mr. Chanler. "My honorable friend from Ohio may have made a good point against General McClellan, but he has made none against me.