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His wife stopped my grandfather in the street and informed him that his grandson was the cleverest and best-read young man that her husband had come across during his University experience. Strangely enough, he did say it and record it on his death-bed seven years later, exactly as he had promised to do. In Broechner's house, too, there was a great deal said about my becoming a professor.

"Don't you know I write for the unborn?" he counter-queried. "But they don't read you yet," I said, trying to smile. "My dear fellow! Why, I'm the best-read man in Ante-land. The unborn swear by me! My publishers, Fore and Futurus, are simply rolling in promissory notes." "You've become a Theosophist!"

Cricklander had an amusing party of luminaries of both sides she was the most perfect hostess and had a remarkable talent for collecting the right people. "She is quite the best-read woman I have ever met, Master," John Derringham said. "You must let me bring her over here one day to see you you would delight in her wit and beauty. She does not leave you a dull moment."

I am a Unionist, a Protestant too, but I find that my Catholic and Home Rule friends, that is, the superior sort, the best-read, the most thinking men, agree with me perfectly. But while I can understand Irish Home Rulers, even the most extreme sort, I cannot understand any sensible Englishman entertaining such an insane idea.