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Updated: August 27, 2024

Not with my lips that is quite unnecessary with an old-time Maitre d'Hotel but with my two eyebrows, one thumb, and a part of one shoulder. "The nephew of the Sultan, Monsieur " he answered, instantly. "And the lady?" "Ah, that is Mademoiselle Ernestine Beraud of the Variete. She comes quite often. For Monsieur, it is his first time this season." He evidently took me for an old habitue.

However, the Admiral, who was a good horseman, speedily disengaged himself, and turned to secure another mount when he perceived that Colonel Beraud, his chief of staff, who had been riding behind him, had been wounded by the same shell, and had fallen from his horse. I saw the Colonel being carried to a neighbouring farmhouse, and was afterwards told that he had died there.

Père Moutot has been twenty-three years in China six years at the sacred Mount Omi, and seventeen years in Suifu; Père Béraud has been twenty-three years in Suifu.

When, however, in the course of his monotone, he mentioned the name of Mademoiselle Ernestine Beraud and that of the distinguished kinsman of His Serene Highness, the Grand Pan-Jam of the Orient, I turned my head in his direction. "You know the Mademoiselle, then?" My waiter shrugged his shoulders, his face still impenetrable. "Monsieur, I know everybody in Paris. Why not?

The question has been ably discussed by Beraud in the Revue des Deux Mondes for April, 1870, the result being that the drying of the soil by pines is due simply to conduction by the roots, whatever may be the foliage of the tree. See post: Influence of the Forest on Flow of Springs. The Forest in Winter.

I didn't know when I left what became of Mademoiselle Ernestine Beraud, with her last lover under the sod, and the new one shut up in the kiosk, and I didn't care. I saw only a little girl a little girl in a brown-madder dress and yellow-ochre hat; with big, blue eyes, a tiny pug-nose, a wee, kissable mouth, and two long pig-tails down her back.

I have Bonnat, Guillemet, Gervex, Beraud, Hebert, Duez, Clairin, and Jean-Paul Laurens. It will be a stunning affair! And women, too! Wait till you see! Every actress without exception of course I mean, you know, all those who have nothing to do this evening." The landlord of the establishment came across. "Do you often have this housewarming?"

There was more truth in the statement that Mme. Derues was an heiress. A kinsman of her mother, Beraud by name, had become the heir to a certain Marquis Desprez. Beraud was the son of a small merchant. His mother had married a second time, the husband being the Marquis Desprez, and through her Beraud had inherited the Marquis' property.

"Drowned himself for love of Mademoiselle Beraud, you say?" "Quite true, Monsieur. He is not the only one. I know four." "And she began to love another in a week?" My indignation nearly got the better of me this time, but I do not think he noticed it. "Why not, Monsieur? One must live." As he spoke he moved an ash-tray deliberately within reach of my hand, and poured the balance of the St.

I was then glad that I had not paid him the retaining fee he had asked in Chungking to take me to Tali. I called upon the famous Catholic missionaries, the Provicaire Moutot and Père Béraud, saw the more important sights and visited some newly-arrived missionaries of the American Board of Missions. Four of the Americans were living together.

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