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Does hoak look better than helm, or does helm look better than hoak? Hoak versus helm, thet's the question." "Well, Mr. Footley," says I, "for my own private opinion, when you've got a nice brass plite in the middle, an' nice brass 'andles each end, there's nothin' like hoak."

But after taking a few steps farther she spoke again. "I 'm cheerfler than most of 'em," she elaborated. "If yer born cheerfle yer can stand things. When I gets a job nussin' women's bibies they don't cry when I 'andles 'em. I gets many a bite an' a copper 'cos o' that. Folks likes yer. I shall get on better than Polly when I'm old enough to go on the street."

'But, I say, protests Rolleston, 'I'm not joking; I give you my word I'm not. I do live here. Why, I've just come back from school, and I can't get in. 'Pretty school you come from! growls the policeman; ''andles on to your lesson books, if I knows anything. 'Ere, out you go! Rolleston's fear increases. 'I won't!

Trotters is profitable, too, if you've a start, that is, though it's women mostly that 'andles trotters, blest if I know why! I've a cousin in the boiled pudding business meat puddings and fruit, too; but it's all going out, along of the bakers that don't give poor folks a chance.

The only thing that cheered Rees up as he was wheeled away was the voice of Pinker crying, "Jer want white flowers on yer coffin? We'll see to the brass 'andles!" From Pinker, a little boy from the Mile End Road, they will stand anything. "I ain't no skivvy," he protests all the time, but every little odd job gets done.