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"Poiche allargare il freno al dolor puote, Che resta solo senza altrui rispetto, Giu dagli occhi rigando per le gote Sparge un fiume de lacrime sul petto," my tears coursed down my cheeks to such an extent that everyone began to sob.

Per certo, padre mio, mala cosa dee essere questo diavolo, e veramente nimico di Iddio ché ancora all'inferno, non che altrui duole quando, egli v'è dentro rimesso. Disse Rustico: Figliuola, egli non averr

All but those with whom the study of language is a specialty pass him by as Dante does Nimrod, gladly concluding "Che così è a lui ciascun linguaggio, Come il suo ad altrui, che a nullo è noto."

Macchiavelli's account of him is, that he was about to marry a young lady of the Amidei family, when a widow of one of the Donati, who had designed her own daughter for him, contrived that he should see her; the consequence of which was, that he broke his engagement, and was assassinated. Tu proverai come sa di sale Lo pane altrui, e com'è duro calle Lo scendere e 'l salir per l'altrui scale.

"come sa di sale Lo pane altrui, e come è duro calle Lo scendere e il salir per l'altrui scale." It was a time ignorant of the simplest comfort, but debauched with the vices of luxury; in which cities repressed the license of their people by laws regulating the length of women's gowns and the outlays at weddings and funerals.

When we were going up the steps to the Strand he again objected, and quoted Dante's famous lines: "Tu proverai si come sa di sale Lo pane altrui; e com' è duro calle Lo scendere e 'l salir per l'altrui scale." The impression made by Oscar that evening was not only of self-indulgence but of over-confidence. I could not imagine what had given him this insolent self-complacence.

When we were going up the steps to the Strand he again objected, and quoted Dante's famous lines: "Tu proverai si come sa di sale Lo pane altrui; e com' e duro calle Lo scendere e 'l salir per l'altrui scale." The impression made by Oscar that evening was not only of self-indulgence but of over-confidence. I could not imagine what had given him this insolent self- complacence.

"Poiche allargare il freno al dolor puote, Che resta solo senza altrui rispetto, Giu dagli occhi rigando per le gote Sparge un fiume de lacrime sul petto," my tears coursed down my cheeks to such an extent that everyone began to sob.

When we read it, we cannot help remembering the language of another exile, who while he tells us Come sa di sale Lo pane altrui, e com' è duro calle Lo scendere e 'l salir per l' altrui scale can yet refuse the advances of his factious city thus: 'If Florence cannot be entered honorably, I will never set foot within her walls. And what?