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"You can pull off a chunk of mountain with a good donkey-engine and them motors. Why, on the drudgers up here in Alasky " "Do you know where you can get hold of any of these machines?" "I think I do," Jennings reflected. "Before I went down North I knowed where they was a couple if they ain't been sold." "Suppose you look them up and find out their condition will you do this for me?"

Van Ostend will be after havin' to put on an a trailer to his new hall," said McCann; "the b'ys know a good thing whin they see it, an' we was like to smother, the whole kit of us, whin they had the last pitchers of them mountins in Alasky on the sheet. It's the stairioptican that takes best wid the b'ys." The four o'clock whistle began to sound.

He was one of the real forty-niners, and knew my grandfather's folks they all came to California the same time.... I've been all over this country, up and down the Coast, to Alasky and over in Nevada, at Carson City; drilling for oil, too, south. Oh, I've seen things," he mused complacently, puffing at his pipe and scratching his bare arms that were as smooth and brown as fine bronze.

"And you've come straight from there to New York?" She pronounced it "Noo Yoik." "No, ma'am. I've been in Alasky for two years now. I've been in a lumber-camp." "Gee! That's real interesting. And you knew Miss West before she came East, then?" "Yes, ma'am."

He don't look or talk like he have got any sense, girl, but he are the greatest doctor anywhere from Harpeth Hills to Californy or Alasky. He have got good remedies for all. I reckon you are one of the hot water kind, but he can give bitters too. You'd better keep him to the bitters though for safety." "There now!

The snow had broken the tent down, so we made it over the ridge to an old tunnel . . . I killed a porcupine but we ran out of matches and there was no dry wood or sticks to make a fire." "I et raw wolf onct in Alasky," Yankee Sam interjected reminiscently. "'Tain't a dish you'd call for in a restauraw, and I reckon procupine's got much the same flavor of damp dog.