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No one was calm or indifferent; every one sought to rise, to please, to serve, or to injure; every one was taken up with pleasure or intrigue.... All the different cliques were separated by rivalry or envy.

The natural, simple, and obvious course was undoubtedly to let the ambassador present his letters to the Queen, to whom they were addressed, and although I attribute the difficulty only to a mistaken suspicion on the part of the spanish government, others will see in it the studied abasement of Royalty, or a determination to quarrel with France at all risks.

By the death of his paternal grandfather, Emperor Maximilian, he obtained possession of Austria and was elected Emperor of Germany. The other candidates for the imperial crown were Henry VIII. of England and Francis I. of France. The war was continued by Henry II. and a portion of Lorraine was taken from the Emperor.

Eight of the transports of Sir Hovenden Walker's fleet with eight hundred officers and soldiers were cast away in the river Canada, where upon the rest of the fleet returned to New-England. 9 October 1711.

Her ambitious schemes were repressed during the reign of her husband and of Francis II.; but, as she had charge of affairs during the minority of Charles IX., she made good use of this opportunity to destroy her enemies both political and religious. She designed the massacre of St. Bartholomew and was continually fomenting strife among her sons.

Kiernan, pour compléter son explication, suppose que, chez les individus tarés, il se produit plus facilement des régressions vers les formes primitives de l'hermaphrodisme de la série animale: «The original bi-sexuality of the ancestors of the race, shown in the rudimentary female organs of the male, could not fail to occasion functional, if not organic, reversions, when mental or physical manifestations were interfered with by disease or congenital defect.

The women themselves were somewhat reassured by his resolute attitude and approached the cage. 10. Say no more.

He had always painted "from life," and the difficulties incident to gaining an entrance into the intimacy of even dethroned monarchs were almost insurmountable. The novelist's acquaintances were appealed to, from house-furnishers to diplomats.

44 7 c'est des tout petits: popular for ce sont, cf. 90 26. 44 15 se faisaient: 'were becoming', cf. note to 5 23. 44 28 Sous ... étoiles: 'in the dim starlight' leur ombre cf. note to 29 11. 45 8 en 1ui tirant la patte: en tirant la patte au chevreau, cf. lui faisant battre le coeur 53 16.

He had just spoken to the Maltese merchant with the heavy black beard at the risk of hearing him laugh. 8. From time to time he was cold. 9. What was he to do? 10. The eyes whose glance answered his were large and black. Pourquoi Tartarin est-il monté dans l'omnibus? 2. Aurait-il mieux fait de ne pas monter dans l'omnibus? 3. Qu'est-ce qu'il aurait faire au lieu de monter dans l'omnibus? 4.