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In 1865, at the death of Morny, he gave up his secretaryship and applied himself exclusively to literature. In 1866 he met Julie Allard, and early the next year they were married. To his wife, a lady of exquisite taste, Daudet owed unfailing encouragement and competent, sympathetic criticism.

He pleaded ignorance of the contents of the documents found in his possession, but his judges, who were Orangists, had determined to convict him of treason, and deliberated only as a matter of form.

Le titre d'altesse a-t-il produit la même impression sur les autres que sur Tartarin? 9. Qu'est-ce que l'officier a fait quand le prince a prononcé son titre? 10. Qu'a-t-il fait quand Tartarin a dit «Je connais le préince»? The negress appeared on seeing the door open. 2. He retired after having knocked twice at the postern. 3. The gentlemen were led across the narrow court. 4.

At her solicitation Daudet was made one of the secretaries of the powerful Duke of Morny, president of the corps législatif . His duties were purely nominal. He now had money enough to keep the wolf from his door and was free to devote himself to literature. It was at this time that the stage began to attract him. His first play, "La Dernière Idole," was produced at the Odéon in 1862.

33 25 fez: 'fez', named from the city of Fez in Morocco, where it is made a felt or cloth cap, dark red, with a tassel a mesure: 'in proportion as it fell , cf. note to 58 18. 34 3 Malte: 'Malta, an island in the Mediterranean, between Sicily and Africa, which has belonged to England since 1814. 34 9 comme en l'air: 'as if they were sailing in the air', cf. note to 29 22.