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«There is another consideration; the Canadians will increase much in population, and in a few years, more lands will be wanted for them, and it seems good policy that the frontiers should be settled by people professing different religions, speaking a different language, and accustomed to other laws and government from those of our restless and enterprizing neighbours of New-England.

On the contrary, you arrive just in time to get into an ugly difficulty. 8. There are hundreds of them in the convent. 10. était le cordonnier juif? 2. a-t-on fait rouler Tartarin? 3. Qu'est-ce que le prince a fait? 4. Comment est-il arrivé ici? 5. Comment Tartarin a-t-il expliqué son action? 6. Qu'est-ce que le lion était pour les nègres? 7. De quel couvent faisait-il partie? 8.

Les sauvages étaient-ils beaux? 5. Qui se disputaient ses bagages? 6. Que faisaient les uns? 7. Que faisaient les autres? 8. Qu'est-ce que Tartarin faisait? 9. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas se faire comprendre? 10. Quelles langues pouvait-il parler? There were wild beasts here, but they did not wait for Tartarin. 2. He remembered that he had not brought along a kid. 3.

There was in him something of the Parisian Street gamin and something of the Oriental woman." These simple poems are charming in their freshness and naïveté, and established Daudet's reputation as a writer of light verse. The whole volume, and especially "Les Prunes," attracted the attention of the Empress Eugénie.

To Daudet the choice of proper names was always a matter for careful consideration. On the Tarasque cf. note to 325. 1 2 il y a ... de cela: 'that was ... ago, lit. 'there are ... from that. 1 3 je m'en souviens: 'I remember it. Se souvenir de quelque chose, hence s'en souvenir (en replacing de + a pronoun); cf. changer de chanson, en changer 7 5, revenir de l

2 14: ouvrant de plain-pied sur le baobab: 'opening on a level with the baobab'; there was no step. Plain='flat. With carabine cf. English "carbine," a short-barreled rifle.

21 19 ce que c'est que la vanité: the construction will be clear if a second est is supplied after vanité, 'what vanity is', cf. note to 72 21. 21 22 fit: = dit There are many examples of this usage in this book. 22 12 fit ... effroyable: 'gave Tartarin-Quixote a terrible grilling'.

MERCUTIO. Nay, if thy wits run the wild goose chace, I have done, for thou hast more of the wild goose in one of thy wits, than, I am sure, I have in my whole five: Was I with you there for the goose? ROM

23 13 selon la mode antique: there is no evidence that ancient runners carried pebbles in their mouths Daudet is perhaps thinking of the well known story about Demosthenes Modern runners carry something, not usually pebbles, in their mouths to induce themselves to hold the mouth shut and breathe through the nose, and also to keep the mouth moist by inciting the flow of saliva.

Note 24: Your bed there, dit le texte, dont la précédente traduction fait une «chambre