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However, the Spanish critics usually narrow the class to include only the dramas of Lope which deal with the lower strata of social life and make the error of classing the Moza de Cántaro among them.

Seldom in any of his works, and never in La Moza de Cántaro, does Lope descend to dialect or to slang, but rather in the pure Castilian of his time, preferably in the Castilian of the masses, he composes his rhythmic verses.

Was expelled from Spain, and after his return was imprisoned, on account of the writings of his early youth. Was a republican deputy from Valencia to the Cortes. Works: Cuentos valencianos, 2 vols., La barraca, Flor de mayo, La catedral, El intruso, La bodega, La horda, La maja desnuda, Sangre y arena, et al. See An Apostle of New Spain, by Dr. R. H. Keniston, in The Nation of December 24, 1908.

This cosmopolitan society furnished abundant food for observation and an inexhaustible supply of interesting personages for the dramatist.

Ancient mysteries, described by William Hone. London, 1823. A collection of english miracle-plays or mysteries, by William Marriott, 1838. V. también los Cuadernos histórico-políticos de G. Görres, tomo VI; y para la bibliografía, el excelente y acabado Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Litterärgeschichte, von J. G. Th. Grässe., B. II, Abth. 2, Dresden, 1842. Le Grand d'Aussy, Fabliaux, tomo II.

In the villages and towns they were simply the plaza or other open space in which the rude stage and paraphernalia were temporarily set up. Quoting from Cervantes, Ticknor says of the theater of Lope de Rueda: "The theater was composed of four benches, arranged in a square, with five or six boards laid across them, that were thus raised about four palms from the ground.

The introduction of the secondary plot, affording the excuse for the prominent place given to the gracioso, is a device which Lope, like his great English contemporary, often uses as in this case with good effect.

They could be creatures of passion or impulse who gave expression to the most violent or romantic sentiments, mingling laughter and tears with all the artlessness of children. Therefore we may expect the most divergent interests and the most complex combinations of aims and actions of which the popular reason is capable of conceiving.

In 1627 he published his Corona Trágica, a long religious epic written on the history of the life and fate of Mary, Queen of Scots.

The funeral procession on its way to the church of San Sebastian turned aside from its course so that the poet's daughter, Marcela, might see from her cell window in the convent of the Descalzadas the remains of her great father on the way to their last resting-place.