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The most forceful of the younger writers of Spain is the Valencian BLASCO IBÁ

During the expedition, according to his own account, Lope fought bravely against the English and the Dutch, using, as he says, his poems written to "Filis" for gun-wads, and yet found time to write a work of eleven thousand verses entitled la Hermosura de Angélica.

Before passing on to the modern school of realists, mention must be made of a writer whose influence has been far-reaching. This is B

And Alexandre Hardy, the French playwright and contemporary of Lope de Vega, who borrowed largely from the latter both in method and detail, so styled many of his works.

The disguising of a lady of the highest nobility and making her play so well the part of the lowly water-maid furnish the key to the intrigue and would not detract from the play in the eyes of the contemporary, following upon the reign of the pastoral and according as it did with the tastes of the times.

=Echó una carrerita=, advanced a short distance. =Después de cambiadas=, after having exchanged. =Echó a correr=, started to run. =Que era la que pensaba seguir=, which was the one he intended to follow. =A me de daba=, note the redundant personal pronoun. =De parte de Luisa, que =, by order of Luisa, yes. =Rompió a sollozar=, broke out sobbing.

La extraña copla que el muerto había dejado escrita en su testamento, recomendándome que la recordase, latía incesantemente en mi cabeza: King Henry the Eighth was a knave to his queens, He'd one short of seven and nine or ten scenes! ¿Qué significado oculto podía encerrar?

Then taking as a model the historical novels of Erckmann-Chatrian, he began his Episodios Nacionales, which alone fill twenty volumes. Add to this number some thirty volumes of Novelas Contemporáneas, and one sees the monument that Galdós offers us of the wonderful persistence and fertility of his talent.

Those teachers who prefer that the students in the elementary classes should not translate English into Spanish may postpone or omit altogether this part of the exercises if they wish to do so. The language of Fortuna is so clear and simple that the story may be read to advantage in elementary classes.

He was extravagant in description and intemperate in criticism, keen of observation but shallow; and he showed a lack of sense of proportion; but he had a versatility and dash that brought him some meed of popularity. In later life Alarcón passed over from radicalism to conservatism in politics, and his writings became more sober in tone.