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"Last night," said he, "will mark a great date in history for the Spanish theatre and for liberty. It is a movement of social and political renovation, Spain demands light and liberty; she demands the right to live under modern, European conditions; she is coming to life."

In theory she has been a disciple of French naturalism, and some of her novels, particularly Los Pazos de Ulloa and La madre Naturaleza, have somewhat of the repulsive realism of Zola's work. At times she expresses a cold cynicism or a mocking flippancy which detracts from the usual charm of her writings.

It is not yet near day; It is the nightingale and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree; Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale.

His funeral, with the possible exception of that of Victor Hugo, was the greatest ever accorded to any man of letters, for it was made the occasion of national mourning.

Engaged in journalism as editor of the Revista Europea, and in the writing of prose fiction and critical works. Works: El Señorito Octavio , Marta y María , José , La hermana San Sulpicio, 2 vols. , La espuma, 2 vols. , La fe , Aguas fuertes, La aldea perdida, La alegría del capitán Ribot, et al. Read law.

It is most important for the light it sheds on the early years of his life, for it is largely autobiographical. Another volume, issued from the pen of Lope in 1634 under the title of Rimas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos, contains the mock-heroic, La Gatomaquia, the highly humorous account of the love of two cats for a third.

The theater of the Golden Age of Spanish letters occupies a position unique in the history of the theaters of modern Europe, for it is practically free from foreign influence and is largely the product of the popular will.

And it is a matter of history that he composed his well-known La Noche de San Juan for the favorite, Olivares, in three days. This, in addition to his other works, offers us a slight insight into the wonderful fertility of the man's genius and gives reason to Cervantes and his contemporaries for calling him "el monstruo de la naturaleza" and "el Fénix de los ingenios."