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Updated: August 9, 2024

I'm only sending him to-day to see what he'll do, but of course he never figured to beat horses like Blitzen. Not enough class." Curly McManus forced his way into Zanzibar's stall and moved to the far corner where Johnson followed him. "Curry is in the betting ring," McManus whispered. "Well, what of that?" "He's betting an awful chunk of dough on Elijah; they're giving him 4 and 5 to 1."

Of course Herman could not allow any one to hint that he did not know how. He went out on Zanzibar's neck and shook him up vigorously,

The plan proposed would stop the slave-trade from the Zambesi on one side and Kilwa on the other; and would leave, beyond this tract, only the Portuguese port of Inhambane on the south, and a portion of the Sultan of Zanzibar's dominion on the north, for our cruisers to look after.

Carried away by these kind words, Herman forgot his instructions: forgot everything but the thrill of the race. He drove his heels into Zanzibar's sides and crouched low in the saddle. The cold dawn wind cut like a knife. After a time there came a wail from the rear. "Nothin' to it, jock! You too good! Too good! Wait faw me." Herman drew rein, and soon Mose was alongside again.

As in duty bound, of course, I greeted Sheikh Sayd first, then Sheikh bin Nasib, his Highness of Zanzibar's consul at Karagwa, then I greeted the noblest Trojan amongst the Arab population, noblest in bearing, noblest in courage and manly worth Sheikh Khamis bin Abdullah; then young Amram bin Mussoud, who is now making war on the king of Urori and his fractious people; then handsome, courageous Soud, the son of Sayd bin Majid; then dandified Thani bin Abdullah; then Mussoud bin Abdullah and his cousin Abdullah bin Mussoud, who own the houses where formerly lived Burton and Speke; then old Suliman Dowa, Sayd bin Sayf, and the old Hetman of Tabora Sheikh Sultan bin Ali.

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