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Updated: August 19, 2024

It can all pe done, Herr Pooterage." He drummed on the table for a second or so, and resumed. "I haf to tell you, sir, zat you come to us at a crisis in Welt-Politik. There can be no harm now for me to put our plans before you. Pefore you leafe this ship again they will be manifest to all ze worldt. War is perhaps already declared. We go to America.

"No; I gidt oap bretty soon." "And and can you dress yourself?" "I vhistle, 'and one of those lidtle fellowss comess. We haf to dake gare of one another in a blace like this. Idt iss nodt like the worldt," said Lindau, gloomily. March thought he ought to cheer him up. "Oh, it isn't such a bad world, Lindau! After all, the average of millionaires is small in it."

These are outside my instructions. Trifles, perhaps. Officially they are to be ignored. Laties come and go I am a man of ze worldt. I haf known wise men wear sandals and efen practice vegetarian habits. I haf known men or at any rate, I haf known chemists who did not schmoke. You haf, no doubt, put ze laty down somewhere. Well. Let us get to business.

"Do me, Heinrich von Schalckenberg, belongs the honour and glory of having made dwo mosd imbordand disgoveries, disgoveries of ingalgulable value do the worldt, disgoveries which will enable me do soar ad will indo the highesd regions of the embyrean, do skim the surface of the ocean, or do blunge do ids lowesd debths." "Bravo, professor; that was positively dramatic!" exclaimed the baronet.

"No; I gidt oap bretty soon." "And and can you dress yourself?" "I vhistle, 'and one of those lidtle fellowss comess. We haf to dake gare of one another in a blace like this. Idt iss nodt like the worldt," said Lindau, gloomily. March thought he ought to cheer him up. "Oh, it isn't such a bad world, Lindau! After all, the average of millionaires is small in it."

"No; I gidt oap bretty soon." "And and can you dress yourself?" "I vhistle, 'and one of those lidtle fellowss comess. We haf to dake gare of one another in a blace like this. Idt iss nodt like the worldt," said Lindau, gloomily. March thought he ought to cheer him up. "Oh, it isn't such a bad world, Lindau! After all, the average of millionaires is small in it."

Herr Pooterage was so much more ah! in the picture. I am afraid you are not equal to controlling the flying machine department of our aerial park as he wished you to do. He hadt promised himself that.... "And der was also the prestige the worldt prestige of Pooterage with us.... Well, we must see what we can do." He held out his hand. "Gif me the plans."

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