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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Morton, I have a wonderful presentiment that yonder craft is loaded with the pewter and cobs we have been promising our fellows," he exclaimed, walking the deck with a quick step. "Her top-gallant-sails and royals have a foreign cut, and the blanched hue of cotton cloth such as the rich galleons of Spain usually carry.

We gave a look aloft, and knew that our work was not done yet; and, sure enough, no sooner did the mate see that we were on deck than ``Lay aloft there, four of you, and furl the top-gallant-sails! This called me again, and two of us went aloft up the fore rigging, and two more up the main, upon the top-gallant yards.

We had an advantage over her in light winds, from our royals and skysails which we carried both at the fore and main, and also in our studding-sails; for Captain Wilson carried nothing above top-gallant-sails, and always unbent his studding-sails when on the coast.

We had an advantage over her in light winds, from our royals and skysails which we carried both at the fore and main, and also from our studding-sails; for Captain Wilson carried nothing above top-gallant-sails, and always unbent his studding-sails when on the coast.

"We are seen!" interrupted the master "The fellow has worn ship, and he is already setting his top-gallant-sails." There no longer remained any choice between downright flight and preparations for combat. The former would have been easy, for an hour would have taken the ship within the cape; but the latter was far more in consonance with the spirit of the service to which the Coquette belonged.

A cap-full of wind will be a bag-full here, and before night our royals were furled, and the ship was laboring hard under her top-gallant-sails. At eight bells our watch went below, leaving her with as much sail as she could stagger under, the water flying over the forecastle at every plunge.

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