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Updated: August 18, 2024

These must be sweeten'd with Lisbon-Sugar, when they are taken up, and melted Butter pour'd in: for if you use Loaf-Sugar, though it is powder'd, some of it will be harsh in the Mouth; and the Lisbon-Sugar, which is the fattest sort of Sugar, will not, but will give a good flavour to your Fruit. An Hog barbecued, or broil'd whole. From Vaux-Hall, Surrey.

Yet, for I threaten'd oft the siege to raise, Not simpering all mine age; Thou often didst with academic praise Melt and dissolve my rage: I took the sweeten'd pill, till I came where I could not go away, nor persevere. Yet, lest perchance I should too happy be In my unhappiness, Turning my purge to food, thou throwest me Into more sicknesses.

To be served hot, either with Venison Sauce, made of Claret boil'd with Cinnamon, and sweeten'd with Sugar, or with Gravey Sauce, with a little Wine in it. To roast a Calf's Liver, another way. From Mrs. Take a Calf's Liver, as before, and stuff it as above, only with this Alteration in the Stuffing.

Cater of Salisbury. To a Pint of Cream put a Gill of Canary-Wine, and two Ounces of Loaf-Sugar finely beat, and a slice or two of Lemon; then with a clean Whisk, whip it together, adding a little Milk, as it grows thick: then have your Glasses clean, and put into each of them three or four spoonfuls of any sorts of Wine, red in some, and white in others, sweeten'd with fine Sugar powder'd; then fill your Glasses with the Froth of your Cream, as it is whipt up.

To make Sweet-meat Cream. From the same. Take either clean Cream from the Dairy, or else make the foregoing artificial Cream, and slice preserv'd Apricots, or preserv'd Peaches or Plums, into it, having first sweeten'd the Cream well, with fine Loaf Sugar, or with the same Syrup they were preserv'd in. Mix these well, and serve them separately, cold, in China Basons. To embalm Pidgeons.

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