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Pompeius thereupon, even before entering on office, gave his public and formal adherence to the democratic programme in an assembly of the people held by the tribune Marcus Lollius Palicanus. The change of the constitution was thus in principle decided. Re-establishing of the Tribunician Power They now went to work in all earnest to set aside the Sullan institutions.

Pompeius on his return from Spain was barred on technical grounds from the triumph and the consulship which he demanded. He was thus driven into an alliance with the democratic party, and with Crassus. The result was the fall of the Sullan constitution, and the restoration of checks on the power of the senate.

The municipal system in the provinces was not altered by this movement; the municipal authorities of the non-free towns continued special exceptions apart to be confined to administration and police, and to such jurisdiction as the Roman authorities did not prefer to take into their own hands. Impression Produced by the Sullan Reorganization Opposition of the Officers

But of the two laws which the single still surviving leader of this section Gaius Cotta carried in his consulate of 679, that which concerned the tribunals was again set aside in the very next year; and the second, which abolished the Sullan enactment that those who had held the tribunate should be disqualified for undertaking other magistracies, but allowed the other limitations to continue, merely like every half-measure excited the displeasure of both parties.

Piso quaestor fro pr. ex s. c. proviniciam Hispaniam citeriorem optinuit-. V. V. Failure of the First Plans of Conspiracy V. III. Continued Subsistence of the Sullan Constitution IV. XII. Priestly Colleges IV. VII. Economic Crisis V. V. Rehabilitation of Saturninus and Marius

When once the slave-holding aristocracy in Virginia and the Carolinas shall have carried matters as far as their congeners in the Sullan Rome, Caesarism will there too be legitimized at the bar of the spirit of history; where it appears under other conditions of development, it is at once a caricature and a usurpation.

Had the Sullan constitution passed into the guardianship of men such as have sat in the Roman College of Cardinals or the Venetian Council of Ten, we cannot tell whether the opposition would have been able to shake it so soon; with such defenders every attack involved, at all events, a serious peril. Pompeius

But history must be more just towards him than he was towards himself, and must place him in a higher rank than that of the mere favourites of fortune. Sulla and His Work We do not mean that the Sullan constitution was a work of political genius, such as those of Gracchus and Caesar.

All the rabble high and low, whose means and substance had been spent in refined or in vulgar debauchery; the aristocratic lords, who had no farther mark of quality than their debts; the Sullan troopers whom the regent's fiat could transform into landholders but not into husbandmen, and who, after squandering the first inheritance of the proscribed, were longing to succeed to a second all these waited only the unfolding of the banner which invited them to fight against the existing order of things, whatever else might be inscribed on it.

As an increase of the population of Italy is not conceivable in the period from 639 to 684, and even the Sullan assignations of land can at the most have but filled the gaps which the war had made, the surplus of fully 500,000 men capable of bearing arms may be referred with certainty to the reception of the allies which had taken place in the interval.