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The whole household seemed somewhat disorganized by the prospect. There was an air of subdued excitement visible in the oldest and staidest of the servants, for in spite of Wyvis' many shortcomings and his equivocal position, he was universally liked by his inferiors, if not by those who esteemed themselves his superiors, in social station. Mrs.

Norman, an old and expert student of the great game the only game for which the staidest and most serious will abandon all else to follow its merry call Norman knew this trick of mystery. The woman veils herself and makes believe to fly an excellent trick, as good to-day as ever after five thousand years of service.

And the white fur bundle, rising to her feet, laughed and laughed till the oldest and staidest warrior could not help smiling. But Opechanchanough did not smile; he was too angry. His dignity suffered at thus being made the sport of a child. He shook his niece, saying: "What meaneth this, I ask? What meaneth this?"

There was in it also, no doubt, a touch of the schoolboy who runs away to sea that touch of the schoolboy without the sense of which the staidest Englishman will always be inexplicable. But considered historically there is something strangely moving about the incident the fact that Kitchener was a French soldier almost before he was an English one.

Clara put out her hand to her impulsively. "And my mammy," she cried, "my dear Virginia mammy." The Sheriffs Children Branson County, North Carolina, is in a sequestered district of one of the staidest and most conservative States of the Union. Society in Branson County is almost primitive in its simplicity.

He had a queer conviction that his was the only static spirit in the whole theatre, that secretly, in their hearts, the audience had flung themselves into the riot with her, the oldest and staidest of them, as perhaps they had often wanted to do when they heard a jolly tune like that. It was artless, graceless. One only needed to let oneself go. "I'm Gyp Labelle, Come dance with me."