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Not long afterwards they all resumed the long interrupted journey to the Isles of the Children of Khaledan, where they were fortunate enough to find the old King Schahzaman still alive and overjoyed to see his son once more; and after several months' rejoicing, King Camaralzaman and the two queens returned to the Island of Ebony, where they lived in great happiness for the remainder of their lives.

I suffered that prince to go to see his father king Schahzaman, on condition that he came back in a year with my daughter, but have impatiently waited ever since without hearing any thing of them. Your king will lay an infinite obligation on an afflicted father, by telling him if he knows what is become of them.

King Schahzaman was so perfectly convinced of the truth of what his son had been telling him, that he had not a word to say, remaining astonished for some time, and not being able to utter a syllable.

Never was there a more moving interview: Schahzaman gently complained of Camaralzaman's unkindness in so cruelly leaving him; and Camaralzaman discovered a heart-felt sorrow for the fault he had committed. The three kings and queen Margiana staid three days at the court of the king of the magicians, who treated them magnificently.

He came and presented himself before the sultan Schahzaman, with a countenance that sufficiently showed he had been ill used. Well, said the king, in what condition did you find my son? Sir, answered the vizier, what the slave reported to your majesty is but too true.

Sorry though the king felt at the idea of parting with his daughter, he felt her request to be so reasonable that he could not refuse it, and made but one condition, which was that she should only spend one year at the court of King Schahzaman, suggesting that in future the young couple should visit their respective parents alternately.

I was born a prince, and the son of a king and queen; my name is Camaralzaman; my father is Schahzaman, who now reigns over the islands that are well known by the name of the Islands of the Children of Khaledan. He then told him his history.

After the grand vizier was gone, sultan Schahzaman went to the apartment of the mother of prince Camaralzaman, to whom he had often discovered what an ardent desire he had to marry the prince.

Soon after his marriage Prince Camaralzaman dreamt one night that he saw his father Schahzaman on his death-bed, and heard him speak thus to his attendants: 'My son, my son, whom I so tenderly loved, has abandoned me. He awoke with a great sigh, which aroused the princess, who asked him the cause of it.