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General Montesquiou collected the army of the south with difficulty. The king of the Sardinians concentrated a large force on the Var. The advanced guard of La Fayette, posted at Gliswel, at a league from Maubeuge, was beaten by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen, at the head of 12,000 men. The great invasion of the Duke of Brunswick, in Champagne, was preparing.

This check in his foreign policy further increased the unpopularity of Joseph II in Belgium. Jealous of the authority of Duke Albert Casimir of Saxe-Teschen and of his sister, Marie Christine, his representatives in the country, the emperor deprived them of all initiative and acted directly through his minister plenipotentiary, the Count of Belgiojioso.

The prince Albert of Saxe-Teschen, and the archduchess Maria Theresa, his wife, were at this period joint governors-general of the Austrian Netherlands. At the burst of rebellion they attempted to temporize; but this only strengthened the revolutionary party, while the emperor wholly disapproved their measures and recalled them to Vienna.

Quadruple Alliance General Peace of Europe Wise Conduct of the Republic Great Danger from the bad State of the Dikes Death of the Emperor Charles VI. Maria Theresa Empress Her heroic Conduct Battle of Dettingen Louis XV. invades the Netherlands Conferences for Peace at Breda Battle of Fontenoy William IV. Stadtholder and Captain-General Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle Death of the Stadtholder, who is succeeded by his Son William V. War of Seven Years State of the Republic William V. Stadtholder Dismemberment of Poland Joseph II. Emperor His attempted Reforms in Religion War with England Sea-Fight on the Doggerbank Peace with England, 1784 Progress of Public Opinion in Europe, in Belgium, and Holland Violent Opposition to the Stadtholder Arrest of the Princess of Orange Invasion of Holland by the Prussian Army Agitation in Belgium Vander Noot Prince Albert of Saxe-Teschen and the Archduchess Maria Theresa joint Governors-General Succeeded by Count Murray Riots Meetings of the Provisional States General Insurrection Vonckists Vander Mersch Takes the Command of the Insurgents His Skilful Conduct He gains the Battle of Turnhout Takes Possession of Flanders Confederation of the Belgian Provinces Death of Joseph II. Leopold Emperor Arrest of Vander Mersch Arrogance of the States-General of Belgium The Austrians overrun the Country Convention at The Hague Death of Leopold Battle of Jemmappes General Dumouriez Conquest of Belgium by the French Recovered by the Austrians The Archduke Charles Governor-General War in the Netherlands Duke of York The Emperor Francis The Battle of Fleurus Incorporation of Belgium with the French Republic Peace of Leoben Treaty of Campo-Formio.

Moreover, he was unable to perceive the great results rendered possible by this movement, but attacked the army of the Duke of Saxe-Teschen in front, while by descending the Meuse to Namur he might have thrown it back upon the North Sea toward Meuport or Ostend, and have destroyed it entirely in a more successful battle than that of Jemmapes.

It was recalled that at the marriage of the French Dauphin to the Archduchess Marie Antoinette, the Marquis of Durfort, the Ambassador of Louis XV., was not invited to the dinner in order to avoid the question of precedence between him and Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen, who was present at the banquet.

In Flanders, the duke of Saxe-Teschen had been compelled to raise the siege of Lille, after seven days of a bombardment, contrary, both in its duration and in its useless barbarity, to all the usages of war. On the Rhine, Custine had taken Treves, Spires, and Mayence. In the Alps, general Montesquiou had invaded Savoy, and general Anselme the territory of Nice.

The supplications of Louis XVI., and the warnings of Dupan were forgotten, and the plan of the campaign was fixed. The emperor was to have the supreme control of the war in Belgium, where his army was to be commanded by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen. Fifteen thousand men were to cover the right of the Prussians, and affect a junction with them at Longwy.