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Up my back, an' in my boots, an' in the short hair av the neck that's where I kape my eyes whin I'm on duty an' the reg'lar wans are fixed. Know! Take my word for it, Sorr, ivrything an' a great dale more is known in a rig'mint; or fwhat wud be the use av a Mess Sargint, or a Sargint's wife doin' wet-nurse to the Major's baby? To reshume.

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. 'But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. "But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

James de la Pluche, Esquire, is thus for the fust time a landed propriator or rayther, I should say, is about to reshume the rank & dignity in the country which his Hancestors so long occupied.

Up my back, an' in my boots, an' in the short hair av the neck that's where I kape my eyes whim I'm on duty an' the reg'lar wans are fixed. Know! Take my word for it, sorr, ivrything an' a great dale more is known in a rig'mint; or fwhat wud be the use av a Mess Sargint, or a Sargint's wife doin' wet-nurse to the Major's baby? To reshume.

"To reshume. Fwhat I've said jist shows the use av three-year-olds. Wud fifty seasoned sodgers have taken Lungtungpen in the dhark that way? No! They'd know the risk av fever and chill. Let alone the shootin'. Two hundher' might have done ut. But the three-year-olds know little an' care less; an' where there's no fear, there's no danger.