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Updated: August 21, 2024

In prime of youth, of delicate limbs, endued with great activity, those two princes, well-versed with battles and capable of leading all, those tigers among Kurus, those car-warriors, are, I think, two of our best Rathas. Devoted to the duties of the Kshatriya order, those two heroes will achieve great feats. Dandadhara, O monarch, is, O bull among men, equal to a single Ratha.

The five Kshatriya brothers, O king, who are difficult of being vanquished, and all of whom have blood red banners, are foremost of the Rathas. Kasika, and Sukumara, and Nila, and that other one, viz., Suryadatta, and Sankha, otherwise called Madiraswa, are all in my judgment, the foremost of Rathas.

It hath been said that a Kshatriya acquireth eminence only through might, as Brahmanas acquire eminence through superiority in mantras, as Vaisyas through wealth, and Sudras through age. Influenced, however, by lust and envy, and acting from ignorance, thou hast indicated Rathas and Atirathas according only to thy own caprice! Blessed be thou, O mighty-armed Duryodhana, judge properly!

"'Bhishma said, "I have now, O king, indicated who thy Rathas are and who thy Atirathas and half Rathas. Listen now to the tale of Rathas and Atirathas among the Pandavas. If thou feelest any curiosity, listen then, O king, with these monarchs, to the tale of Rathas in the army of the Pandavas. The king himself, son of Pandu and Kunti, is a mighty Ratha.

Always displaying his prowess against the enemy, that best of men will, for thy sake, in fierce press of battle, achieve all that a good Kshatriya should. That chief of Rakshasas, Alambhusha, of cruel deeds, is a Maharatha. He is the best of Rathas amongst all the Rakshasa-warriors. Possessing powers of illusion, and firm in enmity, he will wander fiercely on the field.

Those mighty car-warriors, those tigers among men, Chekitana, and Satyadhriti, are two of the best Rathas of the Pandavas in my judgment. Vyaghradatta, O monarch, and Chandrasena also, O Bharata, are without doubt two of the best Rathas, as I think, of the Pandavas.

Kshattradeva, that subjugator of hostile cities, who is devoted to Kshatriya virtues, is, O great king, in my judgment, one of the best Rathas among the Pandavas. Those brave warriors among the Panchalas, viz., Jayanta and Amitaujas and the great car-warrior Satyajit are all, O king, high-souled Maharathas. They will all, O sire, fight in battle like furious elephants.

In those sections of the Udyoga Parvam where the Rathas and the Atirathas, &c, are counted by Bhishma, no mention is made of any warrior of the name of Sweta. The Burdwan Pundits omit these passages altogether. I myself believe them to be an interpolation. Occurring, however, as it does in both the Bengal and the Bombay texts, I cannot omit in the English version.

""The Rathas and Atirathas, according to their precedence, have now been declared by me to thee, and they also that are half Rathas, belonging to thee or them, O chief of the Kauravas! Arjuna and Vasudeva and other lords of earth that may be there, all of them, upon whom my eyes may fall, I will withstand, O Bharata!

Possessed of every qualification that renders them fit for battle, they are acquainted with all weapons, and all of them are endued with high souls. Vardhakshemi, O king, is in my judgment, a Maharatha. King Chitrayudha is, in my judgment, one of the best of Rathas.

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