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Within an hour after the foregoing conversation Molly Machowl was left disconsolate in the pagoda under the care of Chok-foo, while the Rajah's gun-boat was steaming out to sea with Edgar, Baldwin, Rooney, Maxwell, and Ram-stam added to her warlike crew. Steam has pretty well subdued time. Fifty years ago it was a mighty feat to "put a circle round the globe."

With the able assistance of Baldwin and Maxwell and Ram-stam, he drew out, uncoiled, rubbed, examined inch by inch, and re-coiled the life-line and the air-tube; unscrewed the various pieces glasses, nuts, and valves of the helmet, carefully examined them, oiled them, and re-fastened them, much to the interest and curiosity of "the natives."

In a few minutes Rooney's helmet was removed and he began to recover, but it was not until several days had elapsed that he was completely restored; so severe had been the consequences of the enormous pressure to which his lungs and tissues had been subjected, by the powerful working of the pump on that memorable day by Ram-stam and Chok-foo.

Molly was on the alert; she bid Ram-stam continue to pump while Chok-foo helped her to pull the diver forcibly out of the verandah into the interior of the pagoda amid shouts of laughter, in which Rooney plainly joined though his voice could not be heard.

"Niver mind, boys," he cried, hopefully, "we'll try it." Accordingly he donned the diving-dress, and teaching his wife how to screw on the bull's-eye, he gave the signal to "pump away." Of course Chok-foo and Ram-stam, though anxious to do well, did ill continually.