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Updated: August 14, 2024

PLACIDA AC LENIS: 'quiet and mild'; placida refers to the external surroundings, lenis to the temper and character. ACCEPIMUS: sc. fuisse; for the ellipsis of the infinitive cf. n. on 22 videretur. For the position of the words see G. 94, 3; H. 174, footnote 3. SCRIBENS EST MORTUUS: 'died while still engaged upon his works'; cf. 23 num Platonem ... coegit in suis studiis obmutiscere senectus?

Nihil ergo adjuvat procedere, et progredi in virtute, quominus miserrimus sit, antequam ad eam pervenerit, quoniam in aquâ nihil adjuvat: et quoniam catuli, qui jam despecturi sunt, cæci æque, et ii qui modo nati; Platonem quoque necesse est, quoniam nondum videbat sapientiam, æque cæcum animo, ac Phalarim fuisse.” Cicero, in his own person, combats these false analogies by other analogies tending to an opposite conclusion. “Ista similia non sunt, Cato.... Illa sunt similia; hebes acies est cuipiam oculorum: corpore alius languescit: hi curatione adhibitâ levantur in dies: alter valet plus quotidie: alter videt.

The Pythagorean arithmetic as a whole, with the developments made after the time of Pythagoras himself, is mainly known to us through Nicomachus's Introductio arithmetica, Iamblichus's commentary on the same, and Theon of Smyrna's work Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. The things in these books most deserving of notice are the following.

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