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Nevertheless, after hearing how carefully the male Argus pheasant displays his elegant primary wing-feathers, and erects his ocellated plumes in the right position for their full effect; or again, how the male goldfinch alternately displays his gold-bespangled wings, we ought not to feel too sure that the female does not attend to each detail of beauty.

The handsomest was the richly colored tiger bittern. Two other species were so unlike ordinary herons that I did not recognize them as herons at all until Cherrie told me what they were. One had a dark body, a white-speckled or ocellated neck, and a bill almost like that of an ibis. The other looked white, but was really mauve-colored, with black on the head.

The cardinal bird and the ocellated turkey must not be forgotten. Here may be found the leaf-cutting ants, which store the leaf particles in order to grow a fungus on, and which they are very particular shall be neither too damp nor too dry. Also another ant, the Polyergus Rufescens, a pure slave-hunter, absolutely dependent on its slaves for all the comforts of life and being even fed by them.

There was no mistaking what they were. Their orange flanks and ocellated sides were sufficiently characteristic. They were jaguars! A few springs brought them to the edge of the water, and they were seen to take the track over which Leon had just passed.

It was the great bustard of South Africa the Otis kori called "pauw" by the Dutch colonists, on account of its ocellated plumage and other points of resemblance to the Indian peacock. Now Swartboy, as well as Von Bloom, knew that the pauw was one of the most delicious of fowls for the table.

Hindoos, local difference of stature among; difference of, from Europeans; colour of the beard in. Hipparchia Janira, instability of the ocellated spots of. Hippocampus, development of; marsupial receptacles of the male. Hippocampus minor. Hippopotamus, nakedness of. Hips, proportions of, in soldiers and sailors. Hodgson, S., on the sense of duty.

Thus the wing-feathers in one of the above-mentioned night-jars are bare along the shaft, and terminate in a disc; or are, as they are sometimes called, spoon or racket-shaped. In these latter birds, similar feathers, beautifully ocellated, ornament the head, as is likewise the case with some gallinaceous birds.

The unusual length of the tail-coverts is another remarkable character in Polyplectron; for in some of the species they are half, and in others two-thirds as long as the true tail-feathers. The tail-coverts are ocellated as in the peacock.

And yet it bore some resemblance to a peacock, with its long heavy tail and wings speckled and ocellated in a very striking manner, and something like the "marbled" feathers that adorn the peacock's back. It had none of the brilliant colours, however, of that proudest of birds, though it was quite as stately, and much larger and taller.

There was no mistaking what they were. Their orange flanks and ocellated sides were sufficiently characteristic. They were jaguars! A few springs brought them to the edge of the water, and they were seen to take the track over which Leon had just passed.