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"I say, Susy dilecta juventutis meae touching the recommendation now don't be crying touching the recommendation of another husband, by all the classics that ever were mistranslated, I meant nothing but the purest of consolation. If I did, may I be reduced to primeval and aboriginal ignorance!

And for centuries, an everlasting hell-fire has been read unto the mistranslated word. I might continue in this strain at great length. The quotations I have given may be taken as samples of many more. It is surely time that the sad and sombre clouds of so-called orthodoxy should be dispelled by the rising beams of the Sun of Righteousness.

They hastened also to accuse the translation of a number of pretended errors and falsifications, which were mostly corrections of passages mistranslated in the established Latin version from the words of the original Greek text.

He who has not yet been initiated is still in danger of being left behind by our present wave of evolution, and dropping into the next one the "æonian condemnation" of which the Christ spoke, which has been mistranslated "eternal damnation". It is from this fate of possible æonian failure that is, failure for this age, or dispensation, or life-wave that the man who attains Initiation is "safe". He has "entered upon the stream" which now must bear him on to Adeptship in this present age, though it is still possible for him by his actions to hasten or delay his progress along the Path which he is treading.

When the Italian opera was on, he had very nearly received a challenge for having mistranslated a tenor's name, while an envious rival had immediately published an article referring to him as an ignoramus him, the foremost thinking head in the Philippines! All the trouble he had had to defend himself!