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"Ah," sighed Vixen, "I suppose it all began with that ball at Brighton, like 'Man's first disobedience, and the fruit " "I shall miss poor McCroke to fill in the invitation cards." "Let me do it, mamma. I can write a decent hand. That is one of the few ladylike accomplishments I have been able to master; and even that is open to objection as being too masculine."

"Miss McCroke has nothing to do with the question. You roaming about the world with a superannuated governess would be too preposterous. I am going to take you to Jersey by this evening's boat. I have an aunt living there who has a fine old manor house, and who will be happy to take charge of you.

"I will not be such a slave as to think of him all this long summer day," she said to herself. "I will think of the god , and lotus flowers, and the Red Nile, and the Green Nile, and all this wonderful land where I am going to take dear old McCroke by-and-by."

Miss McCroke had an idea that all mourners ought to be roused; that much indulgence in grief for the dead was reprehensible. "Yes," answered Rorie eagerly, "she would see me, I know. We are like brother and sister." "Come into the schoolroom," said the governess, "and I'll see what I can do." The schoolroom was Vixen's own particular den, and was not a bit like the popular idea of a schoolroom.

Captain Winstanley. Two years later, and Vixen was sitting with the same faithful Argus nestling beside her, by the fireside of a spacious Brighton drawing-room, a large, lofty, commonplace room, with tall windows facing seawards. Miss McCroke was there too, standing at one of the windows taking up a dropped stitch in her knitting, while Mrs.