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So Leo put down the Manicheans and preserved the unity of the faith, which was of immeasurable importance in the sea of anarchies which at that time was submerging all the traditions of the past. Leo also distinguished himself by writing a treatise on the Incarnation, said to be the ablest which has come down to us from the primitive Church.

The apostles introduced other Scriptures in order to maintain their errors; and to carry out this, they made use of certain Acts, which they attributed to St. Andrew and to St. Thomas. The Manicheans wrote a gospel of their own style, and rejected the Scriptures of the prophets and the apostles.

But I need not repeat what I have already said of the Manicheans, those arrogant and shallow philosophers who made such high pretension to superior wisdom; men who adored the divinity of mind, and the inherent evil of matter; men who sought to emancipate the soul, which in their view needed no regeneration from all the influences of the body.

The Jews alone proclaimed that God created good and God created evil. But we know of few writers who have ever owned themselves Manicheans, though many have been reproached as such; their doctrine is now known only in the works written against it.

Those whom he especially rebuked were the Manicheans, men who made the greatest pretension to intellectual culture and advanced knowledge, and yet whose lives were disgraced not merely by the most offensive intellectual pride, but the most disgraceful vices; men who confounded all the principles of moral obligation, and who polluted even the atmosphere of Rome by downright Pagan licentiousness.

Those Dandiacal Manicheans, with the host of Dandyizing Christians, will form one body: the Drudges, gathering round them whosoever is Drudgical, be he Christian or Infidel Pagan; sweeping up likewise all manner of Utilitarians, Radicals, refractory Pot-wallopers, and so forth, into their general mass, will form another.

It was for this that the Manicheans and the Arians, who existed at the commencement of the Christian Era, derided these pretended miracles performed by the invocation of saints, and blamed those who invoked them after death and honored their relics.

From that he turned to the Holy Scriptures, but they seemed to him then very poor, compared with the stateliness of Tully, nor could his sharp wit penetrate their meaning. The Manicheans claimed to be a Christian sect, but were Oriental in their origin and Pagan in their ideas.

Other liturgical collects show that they were composed in the days of persecution. Others show their ages by their accurate expression of Catholic doctrine against, and their supplications for, heretics, Manicheans, Sabbelians, Arians, Pelagians and Nestorians. St, Jerome in his Life of St. It is said that St.

Typical attitude of St. Augustine. He achieves Platonism. He identifies it with Christianity. God the good. Primary and secondary religion. Ambiguous efficacy of the good in Plato. Ambiguous goodness of the creator in Job. The Manicheans. All things good by nature. The doctrine of creation demands that of the fall. Original sin. Forced abandonment of the ideal. The problem among the Protestants.