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It was 'to be taken in decoctions of marjoram, thyme, elder-flower, barley, roses, lentils, jujubes, cummin-seed, carraway, saffron, cassia, parsley, with oxymel, wine, milk, butter, castor, and mulberries. Sir Thomas Browne, who was a good deal before his age, did not approve of the use of mummy.

This photograph does not in any way resemble me, my eyes are much brighter. I have also a packet of jujubes for your child. He seems to have grown." "Baby, go and kiss your aunt." "And then we shall go, mamma?" "You are very rude, my dear." "Let him speak out; at any rate, he is frank. But I see that your husband is getting impatient, you have other . . . errands to fulfil; I will not keep you.

At length, after ten miles of slow work, we saw before us, stretched as upon a map, the broad valley with its pink sands; the Daum-trees, the huge 'Ushr or "Apple of Sodom," the fan-palm bush, and the large old Jujubes here an invariable sign of former civilization which informed us that there lay fair Shuwak.

To Jujubes, who went in like a cushion no matter where you prodded him, how describe the feel of a taut muscle, the mounting swell of it, the resistance, and the small, almost impalpable ripple and throb under the skin? He couldn't have described it to himself. So he gave Jujubes his invariable casual answer. Old Eno would be a lot decenter if he went in for it. It would do him worlds of good.

His gifts were all products from his establishment, to wit: six boxes of jujubes, a whole jar of racahout, three cakes of marsh-mallow paste, and six sticks of sugar-candy, into the bargain, that he had come across in a cupboard. On the evening of the ceremony there was a grand dinner; the curé was present; there was much excitement.

This photograph does not in any way resemble me, my eyes are much brighter. I have also a packet of jujubes for your child. He seems to have grown." "Baby, go and kiss your aunt." "And then we shall go, mamma?" "You are very rude, my dear." "Let him speak out; at any rate, he is frank. But I see that your husband is getting impatient, you have other . . . errands to fulfil; I will not keep you.

Bathing also in the Ganga-hrada and adoring Maheswara, one obtaineth the status of Ganapatya and rescueth his own race. One should next proceed to Sthanuvata, celebrated over the three worlds. Bathing there, O king, one obtaineth heaven. One should then proceed to Vadaripachana, the asylum of Vasishtha. Having tasted there for three nights, one should eat jujubes.

Bathing also in the Ganga-hrada and adoring Maheswara, one obtaineth the status of Ganapatya and rescueth his own race. One should next proceed to Sthanuvata, celebrated over the three worlds. Bathing there, O king, one obtaineth heaven. One should then proceed to Vadanpachana, the asylum of Vasishtha. Having fasted there for three nights, one should eat jujubes.

Three superb glass jars red, green, and blue of the sort that led Rosamund to parting with her shoes blazed in the broad plate-glass windows, and there was a confused smell of orris, Kodak films, vulcanite, tooth-powder, sachets, and almond- cream in the air. Mr. Shaynor fed the dispensary stove, and we sucked cayenne-pepper jujubes and menthol lozenges.

Our course was directed towards Mungeesa Peak, the remarkable projecting spur, between which and a conical hill the path led. Whether on the elephants or on foot, the thorny jujubes, Acacias, etc. were most troublesome, and all our previous scratchings were nothing to this.