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I have assumed the elevation of Jigatzi to be 13-14,000 feet, using as data Turner's October mean temperature of Teshoo Loombo, and the decrement for elevation of 400 feet to 1 degree Fahr.; which my own observations indicate as an approximation to the truth.

Neither he nor the Rajah are considered worthy of notice by the best Tibet families or priests, or by the Chinese commissioners settled in Lhassa and Jigatzi. The latter regard Sikkim as virtually English, and are contented with knowing that its ruler has no army, and with believing that its protectors, the English, could not march an army across the Himalaya if they would.

The distance from Donkia pass to Jigatzi is said to be ten days' journey for loaded yaks.

The Rinoong valley is cultivated for several miles up, and has amongst others the village and Lamasery of Bah. Beyond this the view of black, rugged precipices with snowy mountains towering above them, is one of the finest in Sikkim. There is a pass in that direction, from Bah over the Tckonglah to the Thlonok valley, and thence to the province of Jigatzi in Tibet, but it is almost impracticable.

Ascent of Bhomtso View of snowy mountains Chumulari Arun river Kiang-lah mountains Jigatzi Lhama Dingcham province of Tibet Misapplication of term "Plain of Tibet" Sheep, flocks of Crops Probable elevation of Jigatzi Yarn Tsampu river Tame elephants Wild horses Dryness of air Sunset beams Rocks of Kinchinjhow Cholamoo lakes Limestone Dip and strike of rocks Effects of great elevation on party Ascent of Donkia Moving piles of debris Cross Donkia pass Second Visit to Momay Samdong Hot springs Descent to Yeumtong Lachoong Retardation of vegetation again noticed Jerked meat Fish Lose a thermometer Lepcha lad sleeps in hot spring Keadom Bucklandia Arrive at Choongtam Mendicant Meepo Lachen-Lachoong river Wild grape View from Singtam of Kinchinjunga Virulent nettle.