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Angus vowed in his heart he would kill the beast on the first chance. "It wad be but blude for blude, Angus Mac Pholp," he went on. "Yer hoor's come, my man. That bairn's is no the first blude o' man ye hae shed, an' it's time the Scripture was fulfillt, an' the han' o' man shed yours." "Ye're no gauin to kill me, Rob Grant?" growled the fellow in growing fright.

Ye div think though, Kirsty, 'at I'm b'un' to see him some day? 'I'm thinkin the hoor's been aye set for that same! answered Kirsty. 'Kirsty, returned Steenie, not quite satisfied with her reply, 'I'll gang clean oot the wuts I hae, gien ye tell me I'm never to see him face to face! 'Steenie, rejoined Kirsty solemnly, 'I wud gang oot o' my wuts mysel gien I didna believe that!

"What I expec, it wad be ill to say; but what I dinna expec' is to be traitit like a vaggabon. Come, I'll gie ye a guid hoor's wark for a place to wash mysel', an' put on a clean sark." "Hae ye the sark?" "I HAE't here i' my bag." "An' what du ye want to put on a clean sark for? What'll ye du whan ye hae't on?" "Gie ye anither hoor's wark for the heel o' a loaf an' a drink o' watter."

On the morning that followed his funeral, as soon as breakfast was over, Aggie sought Cosmo, where he sat in the garden with a book in his hand. "Whaur are ye gaein', Aggie?" he said, as she approached prepared for walking. "MY hoor's come," she answered. "It's time I was awa'." "I dinna un'erstan' ye, Aggie," he returned. "Hoo sud ye, sir?