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It has been remarked by M. Crusal in a bullock attacked with gastro-enteritis. This disease, according to M. Vatel, is generally the symptom of a chronic malady, or the instantaneous effect of an excessive hemorrhage. It is rarely primary.

Ah, yes, about a year after the disappearance of his son the poor old man died." "Of what did he die?" "Why, the doctors called his complaint gastro-enteritis, I believe; his acquaintances say he died of grief; but I, who saw him in his dying moments, I say he died of" Caderousse paused. "Of what?" asked the priest, anxiously and eagerly. "Why, of downright starvation."

=Chlorate of Potassium= produces irritation of stomach and bowels; hæmaturia; melæna; cyanosis, weakness, delirium, and coma. Post-Mortem. Blood is chocolate-brown in colour, and so are all the internal organs; gastro-enteritis; nephritis. Tests. Spectroscope shows blood contains methæmoglobin; the drug discharges the colour of indigo in acid solution with SO . Treatment.

His theories of gastro-enteritis, of irritation and inflammation as the cause of disease, and the practice which sprang from them, ran over the fields of medicine for a time like flame over the grass of the prairies.

His theories of gastro-enteritis, of irritation and inflammation as the cause of disease, and the practice which sprang from them, ran over the fields of medicine for a time like flame over the grass of the prairies.

These substances are not very active poisons, and, as a rule, even children recover. The breath has the odour of paraffin, the face is pale and cyanotic, hot and dry, and there may be vomiting. Death may result from gastro-enteritis or from coma. Fatal Dose. In the case of an adult, 1/2 pint should not prove lethal, and patients have recovered after drinking a pint. Treatment.

Small doses of raw linseed oil may be given if necessary. Horses that are exposed to cold, wet weather or worked after becoming sick, frequently suffer from pneumonia, pericarditis, gastro-enteritis and other diseases. Such complications should be given prompt treatment.