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The meeting here of those two great forces, the Renaissance and feudalism, is like that of Psyche and Mars. But in expression the porch is Gothic, for although the arches are round-headed, they are surmounted by an embroidery of foliated gables and soaring pinnacles. It can scarcely be said that the style has been broken, but the contrast in feeling is strong.

The Colonel how like him! saw the story of Pennybet, not as a broken pillar, but as a graceful, upright column, with a richly foliated capital. The march of History in these wonderful months brought with it an event that stirred the world.

The font, dated 1584, has a curious E.E. look. Barton St David, 5 m. S.S.E. of Glastonbury, 4 m. The N. doorway is Norman, the arches of chancel and transepts E.E. The chancel windows are lancets with foliated heads and interior foliations. Barwick, a small village 1 m. S. from Yeovil. The N. aisle is richer and evidently later than the S. aisle.

The abrupt hillocks thus composed, as well as the highly inclined folia of the common varieties of gneiss, strike N.N.E. or a little more easterly, and S.S.W. Clay-slate is occasionally met with, and near the L. del Potrero, there is white marble, rendered fissile from the presence of hornblende, mica, and asbestus; the cleavage of these rocks and their stratification, that is the alternating masses thus composed, strike N.N.E. and S.S.W. like the foliated gneisses, and have an almost vertical dip.

During the real Middle Ages, and in the still Gothic north, the ornamentation of a tomb belonged to architecture: from the superb miniature minsters, pillared and pinnacled and sculptured, cathedrals within the cathedral, to the humbler foliated arched canopy, protecting a simple sarcophagus at the corner of many a street in Lombardy.

Martin went to Rome and procured his canonization, and he did not pass out of repute until Protestant times. The high coffin tomb, of dark marble, has on its lid a foliated cross in relief, and on its front four circular medallions with crosses of four sculptured leaves.

From six Purbeck marble shafts on either side spring the orders of the enclosing archway; the heads of the double doorways themselves are cinquefoiled arches with foliated cusps. At the jambs, and dividing the two doors, are clusters of Purbeck marble shafts, with moulded capitals. In the tympanum is a quatrefoil, the upper part of which projects so as to form a canopy.

The one exception is on Caribou Ridge, which is capped by a much altered gabbro. The first noticeable change in the character of the country rock is a Washkagama Lake, where a fine grained epidotic schist was observed, having a dip 82 degrees W. and a strike S. 78 degrees E. At Otter Lake a much foliated and weathered phyllite was found. Strike N. 73 degrees E. and a dip of 16 degrees.

The next outcrop observed was on the portage from the Nascaupee River. The rock, a biotite granite gneiss having a strike N. 82 degrees E. is much weathered and split by the action of the frost, and marked by pockets of quartz, usually four or five inches in width. Between this point and Lake Nipishish the underlying rock differs only in being more extremely crushed and foliated.

The Ionic and Corinthian, or the Voluted and Foliated orders, do not possess that harmony which pervades the Doric, but the more beautiful compositions are so consummate that they will ever be taken as models of study. It is not the magnitude of the Grecian temples and other works of art which most impresses us. It is not for this that they are important models.