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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Fare-ye-weel my bairn, fare-ye-weel, ne'er forget that the deil, like a roaring lion, is ganging about to seek whom he may devour, and put your trust in Him who is able and willing to save you out of all your troubles. They maun come; dinna fancy all is sunshine in the world, but He will be your shield and buckler in time of danger if you love and serve Him."

"What was her name? and I'll send her my love and duty, for, man, between us, I was fond of her,... There was a song she had: The Rover went a-roving far upon the foreign seas, Oh, hail to thee, my dear, and fare-ye-weel. Only it was in the Gaelic she sung it" His voice, that was very weak and thin now, cracked, and no sound came though his lips moved. Miss Mary took a cup and wet his lips.

"Surely ye maun hae an ill-wull at puir Jock, that wusses ye weel; what wad ony body say gin I poo'ed out sic a lump of gowd? 'There's that loon Jock been breakin' somebody's bank, an' then 'Fare-ye-weel, Kilaivie, to Jock's guid name. It's gane, like his last gless o' whusky, never to return." "But you are a long way from home, Jock; how will you get back?"

But woman may hear it and lay it up in her soul and bide at hame, while a man, if he get but a glisk of it in his fool's heart, must needs up and awa' to the warld's end on some daft-like ploy. But gang your ways and fare-ye-weel.

"Fare-ye-weel, neighbours, just tack Miss Margaret's, and the laddies, and my ain thanks, but we canna delay, for Jock will be spearing for us, and we ha' a lang journey to make before nightfall," she said, bending her head towards one and the other as she wended her way among them down the hill side.

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