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UEBER DIE DARWIN'SCHE SCHOPFUNGSTHEORIE; EIN VORTRAG, VON A. KOLLIKER. Leipzig, 1864. EXAMINATION DU LIVRE DE M. DARWIN SUR L'ORIGINE DES ESPECES. PAR P. FLOURENS. Paris, 1864. In the course of the present year several foreign commentaries upon Mr. Darwin's great work have made their appearance.

'Uber das Darwin'sche Spitzohr, Archiv fur Path. I am quite ready to admit that this is the correct explanation in many instances, as in those figured by Prof. Meyer, in which there are several minute points, or the whole margin is sinuous. I have myself seen, through the kindness of Dr.

As the works of the first- named authors are so well known, I need not give the titles; but as those of the latter are less well known in England, I will give them: 'Sechs Vorlesungen uber die Darwin'sche Theorie: zweite Auflage, 1868, von Dr L. Buchner; translated into French under the title 'Conferences sur la Theorie Darwinienne, 1869.

'Der Mensch im Lichte der Darwin'sche Lehre, 1865, von Dr. F. Rolle. I will not attempt to give references to all the authors who have taken the same side of the question. Another work has been published by Dr. If this work had appeared before my essay had been written, I should probably never have completed it.

Recent investigations tend to show that this statement is not strictly accurate. 1870. See Phil. Zoologique, vol. i. p. 222, et seq. UEBER DIE DARWIN'SCHE SCHÖPFUNGSTHEORIE; EIN VORTAG, VON A. KÖLLIKER. Leipzig, 1864. EXAMINATION DU LIVRE DE M. DARWIN SUR L'ORIGINE DES ESPÈCES. PAR P. FLOURENS. Paris, 1864. In the course of the present year several foreign commentaries upon Mr.

UEBER DIE DARWIN'SCHE SCHOePFUNGSTHEORIE; EIN VORTRAG, Von A. KOeLLIKER. Leipzig, 1864. EXAMINATION DU LIVRE DE M. DARWIN SUR L'ORIGINE DES ESPECES. Par P. FLOURENS. Paris, 1864. In the course of the present year several foreign commentaries upon Mr. Darwin's great work have made their appearance. Darwin's views.