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For she was known as "The Builder of that which has Breath", "The Carpenter of Mankind", "The Carpenter of the Heart", "The Coppersmith of the Gods", "The Coppersmith of the Land", and "The Lady Potter". Op. cit., p. 134 f. Cf. Cun. Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XXIV, pl. 12, ll. 32, 26, 27, 25, 24, 23, and Poebel, Hist. Texts, p. 34.

I found him out, and, looking into his sunburnt face, covered with hair, and his little eyes drawn up into the smallest passages for light, like a man who had peered into hundreds of northeasters, there was old "Sails" of the Alert, clothed in all the honors of boatswain's-mate. We stood aside, out of the cun of the officers, and had a good talk over old times.

These preparations taught the crew to expect the crisis, and every officer and man stood in fearful silence, at his assigned station, awaiting the issue of the trial. Even the quartermaster at the cun gave out his orders to the men at the wheel, in deeper and hoarser tones than usual, as if anxious not to disturb the quiet and order of the vessel.

Only she'll pe put a voman, and it'll not pe knowing no petter to her. You'll be minding you'll be firing ta cun at six o'clock exackly, Malcolm, for all she says; for my lord peing put shust come home to his property, it might be a fex to him if tere was any mistake so soon.