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Both of these gentlemen were fond of natural history, especially the father, who was a good observer of the habits of birds. He encouraged natural history researches. Trigonalys compressus. Smith. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. n. ser. 1. p. pl. 16. f. 2. Sphex compressa. De Geer. Mem. 3. Trigonalys bipustulatus. Nat. Hist. 7 1851. Habitat: Nest of Polistes lanio. Brazil.

But here in a moment of withdrawal, I at least cannot fail to recognize behind the issues that divide us the tie of a common destiny. We shall pass and a new generation will succeed us; a generation to whom our ideals will be irrelevant, our catch-words empty, our controversies unintelligible. Hi motus animorum atque haec certamina tanta Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quiescunt.

Now M. Bayle declares, in his posthumous Reply to M. le Clerc, that he does not claim that there are demonstrations contrary to the truths of faith: and as a result all these insuperable difficulties, these so-called wars between reason and faith, vanish away. Hi motus animorum atque haec discrimina tanta, Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quiescunt.

"Revocata in forum fides; submota e foro seditio, ambitio campo, discordia curia: sepultaeque ac situ obsitae, justitia, aequitas, industria, civitati, redditae; accessit magistratibus auctoritas, senatui majestas, judiciis gravitas; compressa theatralis seditio; recte faciendi, omnibus aut incussa voluntas aut imposita necessitas. Honorantur recta, prava puniuntur.

And thus it happened that a little gold dust skilfully applied put an end to wars that else threatened to extend into a Carthaginian length. In one week's time "Hi motus animorum atque haec certamina tanta Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quierunt."

At the distance of a few yards, and in the same position, but a foot or two deeper, were observed marine shells, Cyprina islandica, Astarte elliptica, A. compressa, Fusus antiquus, Littorina littorea, and a Balanus. The height above the level of the sea was between 100 and 103 feet.

Of all marine plants, the Ulva latissima, or Sea-Lettuce, is first and best. It has broad, light-green fronds, and is hardy and a rapid grower, and hence a good giver of oxygen. Next to this in looks and usefulness comes the Enteromorpha compressa, a delicate, grass-like Alga. After a while the Chondrus crispus, or common Carrageen Moss, may be chosen and added.