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"You speak like a book, Hazon," said Laurence, not wondering that the other should have sized up his own case so exhaustively not wondering, because he was an observer of human nature and a character-reader himself.

"You rate my powers of vaticination too high," he said slowly, "and you are groping after an ideal." "Perhaps. Tell me, though, what you think, character-reader as you are. Shall I make a success of life?" "I should think the chances were pretty evenly balanced either way, inclining, if anything, to the reverse." "Thanks. I shall remember that." "But you are not obliged to believe it." "No.

Sellers said privately that Rossmore was the most extraordinary character he had ever met a man just made out of the condensed milk of human kindness, yet with the ability to totally hide the fact from any but the most practised character-reader; a man whose whole being was sweetness, patience and charity, yet with a cunning so profound, an ability so marvelous in the acting of a double part, that many a person of considerable intelligence might live with him for centuries and never suspect the presence in him of these characteristics.

"I'm quite sure, from what I know of Hugo, that to go to the West would be his first impulse." "And the Le Geyts are always governed by first impulses," my character-reader added. She was quite correct. From the time we two were at Oxford together I as an undergraduate, he as a don I had always noticed that marked trait in my dear old friend's temperament.