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"Yes; there's 'is cap," said Robinson suddenly. "Just up and gone." "Make the same motion wi' this cap on a bayonet," said 'Enery; "then knock off, case the Boshies spot 'im." The matter was reported, and presently a couple of officers came along, made a careful examination, and waved the cap. A cautious reply, and a couple of bullets whistling past their cap came at the same moment.

As a general thing I've no serious objection to the trenches snipin' each other, if only the Germs 'ud aim more careful. But mostly they aims shockin' an' anything that comes high for our trench just has the right elevation for our post. There's a broken window on the ground floor too, lookin' out of the room we uses straight at the Boshies, an' the F.O. wouldn't have me block this up at no price.

Reminding him of the order to "act so as to deceive," he unfolded a plan which was favorably considered. "Those Boshies thought they was bloomin' clever to twig we was English," he told the others of B Company; "but you wait till the lime-light's on me. I'll puzzle 'em."

Two women, one young and lissom, the other bent and frail and clinging with her old arm to the erect figure beside her, stand aside close to the ditch and watch the regiment tramp by. 'Cheer up, mother, one man calls. 'We're goin' to shift the Boshies out for you, and 'Bong jewer, says another, waving his hand. Another pulls a sprig of lilac from his cap and thrusts it out as he passes.