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So Stalky, who hadn't turned a hair, took half his supplies to save him the bother o' luggin' 'em back to the plains, and all the ammunition he could get at, and, consilio et auxilio Rutton Singhi, tramped back to his fort with all his Sikhs and his precious prisoners, and a lot of dissolute hangers-on that he and the prisoner had seduced into service.

"Non tali auxilio, nee defensoribus istis Tempos eget." William Blackwood, the Prince-Street publisher, thought, that, to be successful, the war should be carried into Africa, that the enemy must be met on his own ground with his own weapons.

Non tali auxilio, we exclaim, with a shudder of remembrance, and are very glad to read these concluding words: "I read the promise of better times and of greater men." In the year 1866, Emerson reached the age which used to be spoken of as the "grand climacteric." In that year Harvard University conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws, the highest honor in its gift.

He guessed now that Lord Blandamer had himself turned the picture with its face to the wall, and in doing so had deliberately abandoned a weapon that might have served him well in the struggle. Lord Blandamer must have deliberately foregone the aid of recollections such as Anastasia's portrait would have called up in his antagonist's mind. "Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis."

The record was entered in a book called the Bolden Buke; the parish of Bolden occurring first in alphabetical arrangement. Anno Dominice Incarnationis, 1183, &c. The following is the memorandum in question: Et quando commune auxilium venerit debet dare 1 Militem ad plus de auxilio, &c. Collectanea Curiosa, vol. ii., p. 89. It existed in England prior to the Conquest.