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As the influence of the Arab Aristotelians, Alfarabi, Avicenna and especially Averroes, began to make itself felt, the discussions about the Active Intellect and its relation to the higher Intelligences on the one hand and to the human intellect on the other found their way also among the Jews and had their effect on the conception of prophecy.

If in respect of speculation all men are either Platonists or Aristotelians, in respect of taste all men are either Greek or German. At present the German, the indefinite, the natural, commands; the Greek, the finite, the cultivated, is in abeyance.

They are strong and almost unanswerable, but M. Leibniz's system does not lie more open to them than that of the Aristotelians; nay, I do not know whether the Cartesians would presume to say that God cannot communicate to our souls a power of acting. If they say so, how can they own that Adam sinned?

Hence they called His followers 'Christians, just as they would have called Herod's followers 'Herodians, in the political world, or Aristotle's followers 'Aristotelians' in the philosophical world.

For while he endeavors to rationalize Jewish dogma and Scriptural teaching like Maimonides, and in doing so utilizes Aristotelian terminology in matters physical, metaphysical, psychological, ethical and logical, he nevertheless in the beginning of his work condemns philosophy as well as philosophers, meaning of course the Aristotelians.

You would laugh at me, Tito, if you knew what sort of man I used to think I should marry some scholar with deep lines in his face, like Alamanno Rinuccini, and with rather grey hair, who would agree with my father in taking the side of the Aristotelians, and be willing to live with him.

'Man a cooking animal? my dear Doctor Johnson pooh! man is a smoking animal. There is his ergon, his 'differential energy, as the Aristotelians say his true distinction from the ourang-outang. Ponder it well.

At the same time, the minds of men parted into the two great divisions of those who saw only a principle of motion, and of those who saw only a principle of rest, in nature and in themselves; there were born Heracliteans or Eleatics, as there have been in later ages born Aristotelians or Platonists.

Pooh! man is a smoking animal. There is his ergon, his 'differential energy, as the Aristotelians say, his true distinction from the orangoutang. Ponder it well." Query. What did the old Roman do without a cigar? How idle through the day? How survive his interminable post-coenal potations? The thought is not our own. It occurs somewhere in De Quincey, we believe.

The ancient philosophers puzzled more than a little over this problem, and the Aristotelians reached the conclusion that the motion of the hand had imparted a propulsive motion to the air, and that this propulsive motion was transmitted to the stone, pushing it on.