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A. polifolia major and A. polifolia angustifolia, both well worthy of culture for their neat habit and pretty flowers. See CASSANDRA, CASSIOPE, LEUCOTHOE, OXYDENDRUM, PIERIS, and ZENOBIA. Manchuria, 1866. There is not much beauty about this Chinese tree, for it is but a big spiny stake, with no branches, and a tuft of palm-like foliage at the top.

Now two European and some corresponding American species of water-parsnip, the Sium latifolium and Berula angustifolia with their allies, are umbellifers, which bear pinnate instead of bi- or tri-pinnate leaves.

The following include the best and most popular kinds: R. Pseud-Acacia Decaisneana, a distinct form bearing light pinky flowers; R. Pseud-Acacia Bessoniana, with thornless branches and a dense head of refreshing Pea-green foliage; R. Pseud-Acacia angustifolia, with narrow leaves; R. Pseud-Acacia aurea, a conspicuous but not very constant golden leaved form; R. Pseud-Acacia inermis, of which there are weeping, upright, and broad-leaved forms, has narrow leaves that are glaucous beneath, and the characteristic spines of the species are wanting or rarely well developed.

In the South of England, however, it is quite hardy against a sunny wall. It grows 12 feet high, with shining green leathery leaves, and fragrant purplish-green flowers. H. latifolia angustifolia has decidedly narrower leaves than the species, but is in no other way different. HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS. North America, 1736.

As long as I talk of cat-tail rushes, the homeless grimalkins of the areas and the back fences help me to a vision of the swamps thickly studded with their stiff spears; but if I called them 'Typha Latifolia', or even 'Typha Angustifolia', there is not the hardiest and fiercest prowler of the roof and the fire-escape but would fly the sound of my voice and leave me forlorn amid the withered foliage of my dream.

First, Chelem, apparently identical with Agave angustifolia; this ranks first. Fourth, Chucumci, similar to No. 3, but coarser. Fifth, Babci; the fiber very fair, but the leaves rather small, therefore not very productive. Seventh, Cajun or Cajum, probably Fourcroya cubensis; leaves small, from four to five inches long.

Brown, in his History of Jamaica, mentions three species of it, which he says are used to dye brown; and Rumphius says of the bancuda angustifolia, which is nearly allied to our nono, that it is used by the inhabitants of the East Indian islands as a fixing drug for red colours, with which it particularly agrees.

Three other less common forms might also be mentioned. P. Laurocerasus angustifolia, with narrow leaves; P. Laurocerasus camelliaefolia, with thick leathery foliage; and P. Laurocerasus intermedia, halfway between P. Laurocerasus angustifolia and the common Laurel. Portugal Laurel. Portugal, 1648. A well-known shrub or small growing tree, and one of the most valuable of all our hardy evergreens.

Of this there are two very distinct forms, that named K. angustifolia pumila, being of neat and dense small growth; and K. angustifolia rubra, in which the flowers are of an unusually deep red. K. GLAUCA. Canada and Sitcha, 1767. This, which has lilac-purple flowers, produced in early spring, is not a very desirable species, being rather straggling of growth and with few flowers.

As long as I talk of cat-tail rushes, the homeless grimalkins of the areas and the back fences help me to a vision of the swamps thickly studded with their stiff spears; but if I called them 'Typha Latifolia', or even 'Typha Angustifolia', there is not the hardiest and fiercest prowler of the roof and the fire-escape but would fly the sound of my voice and leave me forlorn amid the withered foliage of my dream.