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MARQUESA. No, no, mejor será que veamos ese corte. VECINA. Aquí está ... ¡cosa superior! y por un pedazo de pan ... ochocientos reales ... ni un ochavo menos. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Qué bonito! MARQUESA. ¡Precioso! DOÑA MATILDE. Y qué punto tan igual. MARQUESA. ¿Y la cenefa?... también es de mucho gusto. DOÑA MATILDE. Y de las más anchas ... sobresaldrá mucho sobre un viso caña ... ¿no te parece?

"Southeast y'u see the Sierra Anchas," said the girl pointing. "That notch in the range is the pass where sheep are driven to Phoenix an' Maricopa. Those big rough mountains to the south are the Mazatzals. Round to the west is the Four Peaks Range. An' y'u're standin' on the Rim."

The magnificent view from the head of a trail where Edd started down impressed me so powerfully that I lagged behind. Below me heaved a split, tossed, dimpled, waving, rolling world of black-green forestland. Far across it stood up a rugged, blue, waved range of mountains the Sierra Anchas. The trail was rough, even for Arizonians, which made it for me little short of impassable.

The mile-wide mouth of the canyon opened upon the Basin, down into a world of wild timbered ranges and ravines, valleys and hills, that rolled and tumbled in dark-green waves to the Sierra Anchas. But for once Ellen seemed singularly unresponsive to this panorama of wildness and grandeur.

In none of these tributary valleys can there be failure to find evidences of the northward march of the Indians who lived in houses. In this intermediate region, the houses usually, for protection, were placed in the cliffs. Particularly notable are the cave dwellings of the upper Verde and in Tonto Basin, near Roosevelt, and in the Sierra Anchas and near Flagstaff.