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The imports for the fiscal year ending on the 30th of June last were of the value of $117,254,564, of which the amount exported was $15,346,830, leaving a balance of $101,907,734 for domestic consumption. The exports for the same year were of the value of $114,646,606, of which the amount of domestic articles was $99,299,776.

In 1888 there were 1,475 prosecutions, 907 convictions, and 175 persons required to find bail. In 1902 there was a revival of crime; the Act was again brought into operation, with much the same result as before there were 157 prosecutions, 104 convictions, and 17 persons were held to bail. In 1903 there were 3 prosecutions and 3 convictions. Land Purchase.

The report of the Postmaster-General, to which you are referred for many interesting details in relation to this important and rapidly extending branch of the public service, shows that the expenditure of the year ending June 30, 1854, including $133,483 of balance due to foreign offices, amounted to $8,710,907.

We believe, too, that every college which aims to prepare its graduates for intelligent work in the world which is to be theirs to live in, must have on its staff a scholar competent in the civilization of India."-Extracts from an article by Professor W. Norman Brown of the University of Pennsylvania which appeared in the May, 1939, issue of the BULLETIN of the American Council of Learned Societies, 907 15th St., Washington, D. C., 25 cents copy.

Thus, from 606 measures of Venus on the sun, taken with a new kind of heliometer at Santiago in Chili, M. Houzeau, of the Brussels Observatory, derived a solar parallax of 8.907", and a distance of 91,727,000 miles. But the "probable errors" of this determination amounted to 0.084" either way: it was subject to a "more or less" of 900,000, or to a total uncertainty of 1,800,000 miles.

The period between 620 and 907 A.D., was one of great prosperity, and is looked upon as the golden age. DRAMATIC LITERATURE AND FICTION. Chinese literature affords no instance of real dramatic poetry or sustained effort of the imagination. The "Hundred Plays of the Yuen Dynasty" is the most celebrated collection, and many have been translated into European languages.

If a Whig, the thing would be treated as a joke, and Mr. Macaulay would transmute it playfully into "the rogue startled me"; but if a Tory, it would take a deeper dye, and we should find "the villain assaulted me"; and in either case we should have a grave reference to Jan. 31, "Barillon, 1686"; or, "Burnet, i. 907." Feb. 1,

A Committee appointed by the House of Commons to investigate this calamity reported, amongst other things, that the Famine was spread over districts representing half the superficies of the country, and containing a population of 2,907,000 souls. There are no statistics to give an accurate knowledge of the numbers that died of want in this Famine, and of the dysentery and fever which followed.

Territorial governments 202,150.00 287,350.00 292,350.00 282,600.00 90,200.00 80,450.00 + 9,750.00 Independent offices 2,638,695.12 2,400,695.12 2,492,695.12 2,128,695.12 + 146,000.00 + 510,000.00 + 364,000.00 District of Columbia 13,602,785.90 11,884,928.49 12,108,878.49 11,440,346.99 + 1,492,907.41 + 2,162,439.91 + 668,532.50

Soon after this, however, the emperor fell into the hands of Chu Ch'üan-chung, who killed the whole entourage of the emperor, particularly the eunuchs; after a time he had the emperor himself killed, set a puppet as had become customary on the throne, and at the beginning of 907 took over the rule from him, becoming emperor in the "Later Liang dynasty".