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To the Senate: I transmit herewith to the Senate, for their advice and consent as to the ratification of the same, articles of agreement supplemental to the treaty of February 8, 1831, between the commissioner on the part of the United States and the Menominee tribe of Indians, with the assent of the New York Indians. I transmit also the journal of proceedings. WASHINGTON, February 19, 1833.

Albans, Licking county, Ohio, who moved from Kentucky to Ohio in 1831, certifies as follows: "About the year 1825, a slave had escaped for Canada, but was arrested in Hardin county.

WASHINGTON, December 13, 1831. To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 8th December, 1831, all the information in the possession of the Executive relative to the capture, abduction, and imprisonment of American citizens by the provincial authorities of New Brunswick, and the measures which, in consequence thereof, have been adopted by the Executive of the United States.

The younger, David D. Porter, the subject of this notice, born in Philadelphia, entered the navy as midshipman in the year 1829. His first cruise was in the Mediterranean, under Commodore Biddle, till 1831.

The trade thereby authorized has employed to September 30th, 1831 upward of 30 thousand tons of American and 15 thousand tons of foreign shipping in the outward voyages, and in the inward nearly an equal amount of American and 20 thousand only of foreign tonnage.

A similar coincidence occurred five years afterward, in the death of President Monroe, July 4, 1831. Mr. Adams was of middle stature and full person, and when elected president, was bald on the top of his head. His countenance beamed with intelligence, and moral as well as physical courage. His walk was firm and dignified to a late period of his life.

That steps were taken to build a new council house is evident from the record in Taliaferro's diary under date of March 8, 1831, that four men had been hired "at $12 per Month to cut & carry timber out of the pine Swamp for the Agency Council House."

Here is the first glimpse of Bryant, the great William Cullen Bryant, who as a mere boy had penned the beautiful "Thanatopsis." It is of the date of April 20, 1831.

Whispers began to spread abroad, happily without much foundation, of pale cheeks, and a constitution unfit for the burden which was to be laid upon it. In the month of August, 1831, the Princess went with her mother to profit by the soft, sweet breezes of the Isle of Wight.

Mackenzie had been consulting Sir Walter about collecting his own juvenile poetry. J.G.L. Though the venerable author of The Man of Feeling did not die till 1831, he does not appear to have carried out his intention. As the Teind Court has a separate establishment of clerks and officers, Sir Walter was freed from duty at the Parliament House on these days.