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In a wonderfully short time a number of white tents arose on the plateau and several fires blazed, and at all the fires Buttercup laboured with superhuman effect, assisted by the cowboys, to the unbounded admiration of Zook, who willingly superintended everything, but did little or nothing.

There is plenty of it on ice at the trader's, and, you do the entertaining for me, will you?" And the corporal found his palm invaded by a fold of crisp greenbacks. "If it's for the troop, sir, I can't say no," answered Zook, with dancing eyes. Pay-day was some weeks off after all, and he knew how "the fellers" would relish the trader's beer.

I was sure that Hunky Ben would find us a pleasant anchorage and safe holding-ground at last, though it did seem as if we was pretty long o' comin' to it. Just as we was leavin' the waggins to ride on in advance I said to my missus says I Maggie, you may depend " "Hallo! Zook," cried Charlie, as the little man of the slums came limping up, "what have you done with your horse?"

But that's 'ow I come to know old Missis Mag, an' it's down 'ere she lives." They turned into a narrow passage which led to a small court at the back of a mass of miserable buildings, and here they found the residence of the old woman. "By the way, Zook, what's her name?" asked Charlie. "Mrs Mag Samson." "Somehow the name sounds familiar to me," said Charlie, as he knocked at the door.