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But it's nothing to the roof of the granary. May I ask you to direct your attention to that?" Mavis walked towards the granary, to see that thatch had been superimposed upon the tiles; this was worn away in places, revealing a roof of every variety of colour. She looked at it for quite a long time. "Zomething of an artist, miss?" said Trivett. "Quite uncreative," laughed Mavis.

He winds it about my wrist and, having forced open one of the silver links, he bends down and with those sharp, white teeth bites the open link close again the blond moustache sweeps my wrist and the rosary is securely fastened. "Now," I say, "see what you've done! How will you get it off?" "It comes not off till you are zomething less dthan my friend or zomething more."

"A ship is a zomething gabable of moving in the elemend which zustains it; a balloon is ingabable of any indebendend movement in the air; it drifts aboud at the mercy of every idle wind that blows. Id is like a ship on a breathless sea; withoud any means of brobulsion the ship lies motionless, or drifts at the mercy of the currends.

"From San José to Guatemala ees seventy mile, and dthe Paris of Central America ees zomething more large dthan dthis San Miguel. Much can happen before ve come back." We join Mrs. Steele and talk over our plan. The next day we arrive at Champerico, but no one goes ashore; we stay so short a time.