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"You don't say so! Oh! Bobby, what a lucky boy an' what a kind gentleman! Tell me all about it now," said Hetty, pressing her hand more tenderly on her brother's shoulder. "What wages is he to give you?" "No wages wotsomever." Hetty looked into her brother's face with an expression of concerned surprise.

"No; honour bright!" exclaimed Slidder, with, for the first time, a somewhat abashed look in his face; "I wouldn't for the wealth of the Injies say a word to nobody wotsomever. It's only atween ourselves that I wentur's to " "Well, well; enough," said I; "don't in future venture to do it even between ourselves, if you care to retain my friendship. Now.

Ploughin' an' diggin' I knows nothin' about wotsomever, though I have ploughed the waves many a day, an' I'm considered a fust-rate hand at diggin' into wittles." "Oh! massa, das de man for your money! Buy him, quick!" cried the negro, with a look of earnest entreaty at his master. "He say he's ploughed many a day, an''s a fuss-rate hand at diggin'. Do buy 'im!" But the Moor would not buy him.

Vell, I suppose you've no objection to my goin' to watch along wi' you." "None wotsomever; on'y remember, if it do turn out to be 'er, you won't betray me. Honour bright! She may be revengeful, you know, an' might 'ave me took up if she got 'old of me." Robin Slidder faithfully and earnestly pledged himself.